A family runs around in their yard, playing together.

20 Free Family Fun Ideas to Get You Moving

Let's Get Moving
September 9, 2024

Whether you are already physically active or just starting out, we’re happy you’ve made the decision to get moving as a family! Often with a new goal, it can be difficult to know where and how to start. Adding activity to your daily life may seem like a big task, but it can feel easy when you have help and encouragement. 

Here are some ways you can be more active as a family without making any BIG changes: 

  1. Take a walk together
  2. Play tag with the kids
  3. Walk the family pet
  4. Try taking the stairs
  5. Have a family dance party
  6. Visit a museum 
  7. Plant a garden 
  8. Ride bicycles
  9. Master the hula hoop
  10. Chip in with chores
  11. Wash the car at home
  12. Draw a chalk obstacle course
  13. Play hide and seek 
  14. Walk the children to school 
  15. Take a hike or nature walk 
  16. Limit screen time
  17. Catch or throw a frisbee
  18. Hold a weekly active family game night 
  19. Split up yard work to involve the whole family
  20. Park farther away and walk when running errands

Make sure to record your weekly family physical activity on the LGM Log Sheet, download a copy for your family today! Text “LGM”  to (833) 744-0536 to get free text messages every week reminding you to stay active as a family. We will also share event details, recipes, and free family activities year-round! 

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