It’s Potato Season in Oklahoma!

Oklahoma-grown potatoes of all kinds can be found at your local farmers market. From white to red to purple, potatoes provide vitamin C and B6 along with fiber, potassium, and magnesium. With the right ingredients, prepared potatoes can easily be part of a healthy diet.
There are many uses for potatoes other than frying and baking. Yukon gold potatoes are great for stews with other farmers market veggies, and purple potatoes add rich vibrant color and a nutty taste to salads.
With all this potato talk we can’t forget to talk about one of our favorite potatoes, the sweet potato! The sweet potato can be used year-round to create delicious meals, including ONIE’s Beefy Sweet Potato Skillet.
When you bring your potatoes home from the market, remember to store them in a cool, dry, and dark area away from onions, which will make them spoil quicker. It is also important to avoid washing potatoes until ready to eat.
If you do notice that your potatoes have begun sprouting, don’t dismay, they can still be used! All you have to do is cut them into pieces so that there are at least two sprouts per piece and plant them! If you don’t have a yard, you can plant them in a big pot, a bag full of soil, or in just about anything else. They will even grow in a sturdy cardboard box! To increase the abundance of your potato plant, bury all but the tips of the leaves with more soil once the plant is big, and the parts that you covered will sprout even more potatoes! You know they are ready to harvest once the leaves start to flower, then turn yellow and wilt.