Mid-Del Schools Curriculum 2024
Hello Physical Education Teacher! We truly appreciate your contribution to improving the health of your students by participating in the Let’s Get Moving (LGM) program. We are the Oklahoma Nutrition Information and Education (ONIE) Project based out of the Hudson College of Public Health at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Since 2013, we […]

Free Oklahoma Family Fun Events This Week: Part 6
We know it can be hard to find the motivation to get out and do something in the winter, especially as a family. Check out part 6 of our blog series about free family-friendly fun events happening this week in Oklahoma to kickstart your year with lots of family fun! Every Friday for the month […]

Free Oklahoma Family Fun Events This Week: Part 5
Winter means cold days with less daylight. It can be hard to find the motivation to get out and do something, especially as a family. Luckily, there are plenty of Oklahoma family fun events happening all throughout January to get your new year started right! Every Friday for the month of January, ONIE will be […]

Free Oklahoma Family Fun Events This Week: Part 4
We know it can be hard to find the motivation to get out and do something in the winter, especially as a family. Check out part 4 of our blog series about free family-friendly fun events happening this week in Oklahoma to kickstart your year with lots of family fun! Every Friday for the month […]

Holiday Lights in Oklahoma
Holiday lights are one of the many joys of the season. Across Oklahoma cities, parks and neighborhoods are decorating with bright, colorful lights for people to enjoy. To help you celebrate and find the best display near you, ONIE has prepared a helpful list of light displays throughout Oklahoma this Holiday season. Grab the whole […]

5K Training Plan: A 6-Week Guide for Beginners
Summer is a season for growth. So, step out and grow your legs with a challenge. It can be a family affair! ONIE’s annual Let’s Get Midwest City Moving 5K Walk/Run is coming up and with little more than 6 weeks to go, we have a training plan that will prepare you and your crew […]

2022 Oklahoma Fourth of July Events
This year the 4th falls on a Monday, giving Oklahomans a long weekend to enjoy all the festivities. To help you get out and enjoy one (or more!) of the celebrations happening around Oklahoma, ONIE has created a list of the festivities going on. Throw together ONIE’s apricot pretzel snack mix, grab a cooler full […]

Introducing the 2021 ONIE Calendar
It’s here! ONIE’s Choose Homemade 2021 Nutrition Calendar. See what’s new and where you can pick up your own free copy.

Summer Meal Program Updates
The Summer Meal Program provides no-cost meals to children during the summer. In light of Covid-19, some changes to meal distribution have been made. Find everything you need to know about the program and how to find a meal distribution site near you.

Let’s Get Moving! Gear Up
Check this out to prepare for Let’s Get Moving 5K Walk/Run. We've listed all the information about event locations, what to eat, wear, drink and some tips for navigating throughout this event.

Couch to 5K Training Guide
Starting on August 20th, the FREE Let’s Get Moving! 5K Walk/Run will be 6 weeks away. Want to become more active or start training for this 5K? ONIE’s easy 6-week training plan will help you prepare to walk or run a 5K!

Parents are Role Models
You are a role model and can help your child eat more fruits and vegetables. Here are some tips that can help!